Islamabad Medical & Surgical Hospital (IMSH) established on 12th May 2016 focuses on perfection in human services through maintainable assets. It goes for giving the best human services benefit at most conservative cost conceivable hence expanding the base of the wellbeing office to the general population of Pakistan. It wishes to present quality in wellbeing administration and empower the quest for resistant quality enhancement. It has confidence in the cooperative energy of wellbeing, HR, and advancement. It is located on G-6 Markaz, Islamabad.
Executive Director IMSH
MBBS, DMRD Sonologist/Radiologist
MBBS, MCPS, FCPS, Obstetrician Gynecologist
MBBS, FCPS, Obstetrician Gynecologic
MBBS, FCPS, Obstetrician Gynecologist
MBBS, FCPS Urologist, IMSH, Islamabad
MBBS (Gold Medalist) FCPS (Internal Medicine) IMSH Islamabad
MBBS, MCPS (MED) FCPS (GASTRO) Gastroentrologist
MBBS, MCPS, Diploma Cosmetology (USA)Skin Hair & Nail
MBBS, Neurologist, IMSH
General Surgeon, Laparoscopic
MBBS, MS (Ortho) Orthopedic & Trauma
MBBS, FCPS (PAEDS) M.Phil Child Specialist. IMSH
MBBS, MPH, FCPS, Radiologist
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